Load a font from a specific path

Hi all,
I was browsing the archives of the mailing list, and found an email that asked the same question I'm interested in:

It's entitled: Load a font from a specific file path

Anyway, the gist of it is that I want to be able to specify that a given application, which uses pango for its fonting capabilities, have the capability to use a font file that is distributed with the application. This is important in our testing mechanism, because some of our tests are based on graphics output, and if we allow the system to pick the "closest" font, then the graphics won't necessarily be identical.

Anyway, after reading through the discussion about the above-listed question, it seems that there isn't an easy way to do this yet. Is that correct?

And if so, is there a slightly-less-easy way of doing it?



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That will do them in. - Bradley's Bromide
*      Robert Kerr, Member of the Cubit Mesh Generation Team         *
*       and the Titan Informatics Toolkit Development Team           *
*      rakerr sandia gov          |    PO Box 5800,  MS 0376         *
*      Phone: (505) 844-8606      |    Sandia National Labs          *
*      Fax: (505) 284-0140        |  Albuquerque, NM 87185-0376      *

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