Re: bug of "pango_layout_move_cursor_visually"

On 08/11/2009 04:05 AM, 王旭光 wrote:

I find a bug of "pango_layout_move_cursor_visually":
the layout text is "012345" , I move cursor from (index:100,
trailing:100) to left. I first get (5, 5). I think it should be (5, 1),
that is the rightest position.


I remember thinking that the docs for that function are a bit wrong. Anyway, filed a bug and will look into it later:

You may want to CC yourself on the bug.


the code is:
int index = 100;
int trailing = 100;
int newIndex = 5;
int newTrailing = 5;

while (newIndex != -1)
pango_layout_move_cursor_visually (layout, true, index, trailing, -1,
&newIndex, &newTrailing);
MyTrace ("[%d, %d]\n", newIndex, newTrailing);
index = newIndex;
trailing = newTrailing ;

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