New FontForge build that depends on Pango has slow startup time


FontForge now uses Pango for its UI text by default!

I wonder if any Pango experts could take a quick look at this and help
GWW to diagnose what is making FontForge startup very slow?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <gww silcom com>
Date: 2008/11/16
Subject: [Fontforge-announce] New FontForge build
To: fontforge-announce lists sf net

First release with Pango and Cairo.

The first time you run fontforge with Pango something takes several
minutes to initialize itself. This delay does not occur on subsequent

The version of Cairo available from fink on the mac is so old that
FontForge can't use it. The default fontconfig setup on the mac does
not seem to find any outline fonts (reverting to bitmaps). Create a
~/.fonts directory yourself, and put some fonts there.

Pango crashes on my cygwin system, so the cygwin build does not
contain either Pango or Cairo.

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