Re: Problems with "configure" in building open source software (pango + cairo + wxWidgets, etc.)

2007/3/31, R. D. Ross <ron rdross com>:
Specifically, I'm compiling pango 1.10.2 and it wants a version of glib2
 >= 2.5.7.  OK, so I downloaded
glib-2.12.11, compiled it with a prefix= pointing to a temporary area
for the install.  I am now compiling
pango and trying to get it to point to this newer version of glib.
Here's what the line looks like:

./configure --prefix=/tmp/external.sw  \
--with-cairo=yes \
--enable-static \
LDFLAGS=-L/tmp/external.sw/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/tmp/external.sw/include

Those flags would probably not satify the build anyway, and there is a
automatic way to get the correct flags so you should not need to
specify them yourself. pkg-config will find the correct flags, but you
have to point it to the correct prefix to find the information.

So since you installed glib in /tmp/external.sw, you should set the following:


to your environment. This makes pkg-config to look in the right place.

Kalle Vahlman, zuh iki fi
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