Re: Ligatures and Pango?

Owen Taylor wrote:
Yeah, that's the plan.  The shaper adjusts PGIX to do kerning.

Then how come that Gedit does do kerning for the same text? Is it a setting that I should switch on in Pango somewhere?

Actually the representation of the kerning is in the *width* field
of PangoGlyphGeometry, not the x_ofset/y_offset fields. The x_offset/y_offset fields are not cumulative, so wouldn't work for
kerning -- you'd need to add more and more adjustment to the x as you
went along in the string.

I got the scaling issue fixed now. What surprises me is that Pango doesn't do kerning by default (at least: not on FC4), while ChangeLogs suggest that kerning has been part of Pango since 1.4 or thereabouts. It does work with my local copy of Pango CVS.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - hanwen xs4all nl -

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