On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 Paul Wise wrote :
>Hi all,
>At http://fixedsys.org/~node_ue/fonts/, you can find a Burmese Unicode
>font called MPH Yangon. Unfortunately this doesn't render properly on
>linux (debian sid) because it renders the characters very wide (tested
>using http://my.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Font in firefox/galeon).
I can confirm that it shows the same problem under gedit 2.8.3,
with pango 1.4. However yudit 2.7.8 (http://www.yudit.org) seems
to render it correctly.
>Is anyone able to help debug this problem? This is the only libre
>(GPL) Burmese Unicode font available as far as I know. Others
>available are shareware or other non-free, or are not fully
>compatible with the spec.
Can't be of much help here off the top of my head, but will take
a look at it later.
>Also, any info about the status of Burmese support in GNU/Linux
>would be appreciated, for instance is there a my_MM locale available?
>I attempted one, but without knowledge of the locale format or
>Burmese, I didn't get too far.
There does not seem to be a glibc my_MM locale, though strangely
there exists a /usr/share/locale/my_MM/LC_MESSAGES directory. Creating
a locale does need at least some basic knowledge of Burmese, e.g.,
names of days of the week, month names, collation order, etc. If
this stuff can be made available, making a locale is not too