Re: postscript fonts vs. pango aliases

All right, I've done it, and I get ths right answer with fc-list. However, my gtk program still shows the same problem, and does not find the Demi font (or the Condensed fonts). Why is that?
Thank you!

Keith Packard wrote:

Around 15 o'clock on Aug 23, Owen Taylor wrote:

Unfortunately it looks like the fontconfig parsing code doesn't
figure out that Demi is a form of bold. Since family/slant/weight
are the same you won't be able to select these fonts indepedently
in Pango.

That's a bug in an old version of fontconfig.  Current CVS does:

URW Gothic L:style=Demi:slant=0:weight=180
URW Gothic L:style=Book:slant=0:weight=75
URW Gothic L:style=Demi Oblique:slant=110:weight=180
URW Gothic L:style=Book Oblique:slant=110:weight=75

This should do what you want.


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