Re: [Silgraphite-devel] Re: Pango and SILGraphite was Re: Possible Pango 1.4 ideas

Dear Owen:
I pay a visit to SIL International last Monday to Wed. I have the same thought as you do before I pay the visit. And after I visit them and browse throguh their library, I totally change my mind. There are many many many many many many scripts that they are working on are not encoded into Unicode yet. And they are live scripts. The econmic return value of them could be small right now. But they are people using it (may not in computer yet).

If you don't believe it, pay a visit to Dallas to SIL and ask them to browse thorugh the books they have in their library.... You probably won't believe what you see there.

Owen Taylor wrote:

To state something that may be a bit controversial, my opinion is that
the set of "hard" scripts out there is pretty finite, and not going to
go up in the future. Rather than trying to make it possible to handle
arbitrary new scripts, I think time would be better spent creating the
necessary specifications, fonts, and code to fit the dozen or so
remaining complex scripts into OpenType.

(The set of live scripts in Unicode that Pango doesn't handle for
OpenType fonts, is, to my knowledge: Sinhala, Lao, Khmer, Mongolian,
Tibetan, Syriac, Hanunoo, Buhid, Tagbanwa. As far as I know, the set of arguably live complex scripts not yet encoded in Unicode is pretty small too.)

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