How to select a fixed font


  I am new to pango and am trying to figure out how to select a
fixed font for specific widgets.  I have a couple of windows/widgets
that need to display data using a fixed font.  I have everything
else done in the program except for setting these widgets to a fixed
font. Any help would be appreciated.

             Donald R. Laster Jr.
Donald R. Laster Jr. 
Senior Consulting Engineer
DOT4 Inc.
25 Heidl Ave                                              
West Long Branch, NJ 07764      

Email : laster dlaster com
        dlaster dot4 com

Phones: (732) 263-9235 (Evening)
        (732) 263-9236 (Office)
        (201) 459-3777 (Garban/Jersey City)
        (732) 263-9280 (Fax)

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