Porting Pango - attempting to render right to left text.

Hello Everyone,

I am using Pango 1.00, and attempting to port it to a proprietary OS
font system (QNX Rtp).  Anyhow, not the simplest task.  I have
it all compiled, as well a glib, gmodule, gobject, iconv, intl, charset,
and fribidi. I also ported the arabic, hebrew, and latin plugins.

A little background ...

No need for styling/weights.
Summited strings are in UTF-8.
Always given single paragraph, invoking pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode(para->layout, TRUE);.
Paragraphs not broken/wrapped, i.e. no '\n' symbols.
Overrode PangoFont class, to pass engine specific data down to language plugins (shapers).
Using the layout API.

Now, I need a sanity check.  The following hebrew string (in UTF-8 multibyte) is passed in
to Pango:

1500 1499 1514 1493 1489 32 1489 1506 1489 1512 1497 1514 63

The resultant bitmap is:

        @               @               @                       @               @................@@.....
.@@@@@@@@@@.....@@@@@@..@@@@@....@@..@@.@@@@@...........@@@@@...@@@@.....@@@@@@@.@@@@...@@         @....
      @             @......@@       @......@@..............@@            @         @@          @       
      @             @            @          @                     @           @        @               
      @             @            @          @                     @           @        @........@@.....
      @             @            @.@@                       @            @          @..@@@@@@          
      @                     @.....@@                        @            @          @                  
@@@                  @..@@@@@@@.@@@@....@@@@@@@.........@@@@@@@         @@@....@@@@@@           @@......
...............................@@                                                              @@......

Now, I realize the above bitmap does not correspond directory to the Unicode values,
i.e. the first character is not U+1500, so there is some reordering going on.
I would have expected the '?' mark to be at the front of the string though.
The reason I state this, is because I lifted the Unicode sequence from a Hebrew
website, that had two versions, logical, and visual.  The visual representation
on the website looks nothing like the above rendered bitmap.

Of course, and number of thing could be amiss.

I was wondering if someone could run the above Unicode sequence, and post the bitmap
output they get back.  Also, if they  could run several other hebrew and arabic
sequences, and post the resultant bitmaps as well.

If you need more information, and I am sure you will, just ask.

Thank You.

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