Re: pangoft2 fonts

On 10 Sep 2001, jacob berkman wrote:

> trying the view-ft2.c example in pango/examples/, i get the following
> error messages:
>     jacob wet-pants:examples G2$ ./viewer viewer-ft2.c 
>     viewer (pid:20370): ** WARNING **: No fonts found by pangft2. Things
>     will probably not work
>     viewer (pid:20370): ** WARNING **: Didn't read any pango ft2
>     fontalias file. Things will probably not work.
> what fonts should it be finding?  it currently looks in
> $prefix/lib/pango/ft2fonts; should it be looking in different places by
> default?

This is all a bit confusing, and I has planned for a long time to make it 
read the XftConfig configuration so that people won't need two configs.
There has been discussions in the XRender camp for redoing XftConfig 
though, so i've been pushing this one ahead of me...

The way to configure the current one it to place:

FontPath = /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1:/usr/share/fonts/default/TrueType

In $(prefix)/etc/pango/pangorc

sans normal normal normal normal "urw gothic l"
serif normal normal normal normal "urw palladio l"
monospace normal normal normal normal "nimbus mono l"

In $(prefix)/etc/pango/pangoft2.aliases

You can use other fonts if you want. These are the URW fonts.

/ Alex

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