Graphite: Rendering complex non-Roman scripts

Graphite, an extensible rendering engine for
complex non-Roman writing systems.

Anyone ever heard about this ?

below is the brief overview..

Graphite is a project under development within
SIL's Non-Roman Script Initiative and Language
Software Development groups to provide rendering
capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems
on the Windows platform. (Work began in 1997 under
the code name WinRend.) Graphite consists of:

 - a rule-based programming language--Graphite
   Description Language (GDL)--that can be used
   to describe the behavior of a writing system, 

 - a compiler for that language, and 

 - a rendering engine that can serve as the back
   end of a text processing application. 

Graphite renders TrueType fonts that have been
extended by means of compiling a GDL program.


i think the GDL is very interesting.


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