Re: Pango arabic engine

Hi ,
> I would like to ask a couple things about arabic script in the engine.
Fist of all, the new version does not seem to be in cvs ?
The complete url is 

> I took a quick look and I'm trying to understand more about the logic
> in this engine.
> Just in case if you can tell me for this questions.
> For the case of more than 2 arabic vowels in the consecutive sequences,
> what would the second arabic vowel be supposed to display ?
I don't know. With the current version, the last vowel wins. 
It is tricky. In a real text, only one vowel can be on a letter;
and so it may be a good idea to visually mark an illegal sequence.
On the other hand, it sometimes can make sense to have Kasra _and_ Fatha
on a consonant.

> I have one comment as the non-arabic person to share with and, please feel free
> to share with me the opinion.
I'm actually no arab either :-| .

>   logical input:  U+0639    + U+0639    + U+064B     + U+064B      + U+0639
> 		   (cons)     (cons)      (vowel)      (vowel)       (cons)
>   visual output: InitialForm  FinalForm  combined    SpacingForm    IsolateForm
>                               ^^^^^^^^^              ^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^
Is this what you see or what you whish to see ? I actually see :
    visual output: InitialForm  MedialForm              vowel        FinalForm

> The idea is that, for those invalid sequences, [ ... ]
Well, if you want it to look _really_ broken, I think your suggestion
is quite good. 


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