Re: Pango Status Report, 25 April 2000

>    - Look at writing an XIM module for the new input-method framework
>      in GTK+. (It may still be a bit early, but if you would
>      be interested in working on this, let me know. We can discuss 
>      what is involved.)

I am sorry that I have no ability to do that :-Q

But I would like to talk about the issue that xcin community had been

Since xcin deal with traditional Chinese (TW) and simplified
Chinese(CN), maybe we need a mechanism (and a panel applet) to 
switch the XIM Servers online.

We can launch two seperate XIM servers now, 
LC_ALL=zh_TW.Big5 xcin &
LC_ALL=zh_CN.GB2312 xcin &

We used to imagine that we can switch the client's locale online,
then we can use these two different XIM servers.

But Pango is not locale dependent.
I have no idea how we can input from two seperate XIM servers.

GtkIMContextXIM ?

Pofeng "informer" Lee, §õ¬f¾W,
TEL: 03-3286030 ext 6582 (20:00-23:00) Room: 394  Pager: 3835
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

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