Re: Pango Status Report, 4 Apr 2000

On Sun, 16 Apr 2000, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> Again, sure all this mirroring looks strange to someone who has used the
> English Windows for a long time and now has to get used to the new Hebrew
> look. But a mirrored gui looks very natural to beginner Hebrew users.
> When I was in Japan, I found the Japanese Windows very strange, but I'm sure
> the Japanese themselves find it very natural!

Hmmm...Israeli users are used to having the "minimize,maximize,close"
buttons at the uper right corner and the "window options" button in the
upper left corner, just like the rest of the world. I doubt if mirroring
would help them any. You seem to be going in the way of "Hebrew
Windows/Hebrew Enabled Windows" split, wand as far as I remember it was a

Some specific widgets need mirroring, and it should be decided on a
widget-by-widget basis. Maybe add functions to HBoxes for
"pack-by-language" would do the trick -- but something like that would
definitely work. All this is distinct from the Text widget, which needs to
support multiple languages anyway.

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