GTK+ with Pango support

This really is a _big_ start !

.. although, I have some problems with the demo program and this special
version of gtk+ :
- font-sizes in the recource-file don't seem to be really honoured. 
  I get a tiny regular font and was unable to find out the reason within
  some reasonable amount of time ( I  do seem to be able to get the
  font sizes I want with the regular gtk+ )
 - Is the dependency information written correctly ? Everytime I change 
  something and recompile gtk+, it seems to compile much to much
  ( On the other hand, I don't usually compile gtk+ so often ).

>   Some interesting projects that other people might want to consider:
>    - Come up with a XKB-based keyboard map for Arabic, so people
>      can test out the GTK+ editing support with Arabic. (If you
>      are interested this but don't know how to procede with this,
>      let me know and I can give some hints.)

Would that be along the lines of changing gtk/gtkentry.c as follows ?

--- gtkentry.old        Wed Apr  5 02:12:07 2000
+++ gtkentry.c  Thu Apr  6 16:01:16 2000
@@ -961,13 +961,61 @@
   { GDK_hebrew_qoph,      0x5e7 },
   { GDK_hebrew_resh,      0x5e8 },
   { GDK_hebrew_shin,      0x5e9 },
-  { GDK_hebrew_taw,       0x5ea }
+  { GDK_hebrew_taw,       0x5ea },
-static unicode_char_t
-find_unicode (gint keyval)
-  gint first = 0;
+  { GDK_Arabic_comma         ,0x60C },         
+  { GDK_Arabic_semicolon     ,0x61B },     
+  { GDK_Arabic_question_mark ,0x61F }, 
+  { GDK_Arabic_hamza         ,0x621 },          
+  { GDK_Arabic_maddaonalef   ,0x622 }, 
+  { GDK_Arabic_hamzaonalef   ,0x623 },
+  { GDK_Arabic_hamzaonwaw    ,0x624 },
+  { GDK_Arabic_hamzaunderalef,0x625 },
+  { GDK_Arabic_hamzaonyeh    ,0x626 },
+  { GDK_Arabic_alef          ,0x627 },      
+  { GDK_Arabic_beh           ,0x628 },            
+  { GDK_Arabic_tehmarbuta    ,0x629 },    
+  { GDK_Arabic_teh           ,0x62A },
+  { GDK_Arabic_theh          ,0x62B },
+  { GDK_Arabic_jeem          ,0x62C },
+  { GDK_Arabic_hah           ,0x62D },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_khah          ,0x62E },          
+  { GDK_Arabic_dal           ,0x62F },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_thal          ,0x630 },          
+  { GDK_Arabic_ra            ,0x631 },            
+  { GDK_Arabic_zain          ,0x632 },          
+  { GDK_Arabic_seen          ,0x633 },          
+  { GDK_Arabic_sheen         ,0x634 },         
+  { GDK_Arabic_sad           ,0x635 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_dad           ,0x636 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_tah           ,0x637 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_zah           ,0x638 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_ain           ,0x639 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_ghain         ,0x63A },         
+  { GDK_Arabic_feh           ,0x641 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_qaf           ,0x642 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_kaf           ,0x643 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_lam           ,0x644 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_meem          ,0x645 },          
+  { GDK_Arabic_noon          ,0x646 },          
+  { GDK_Arabic_ha            ,0x647 },            
+  { GDK_Arabic_waw           ,0x648 },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_alefmaksura    ,0x649 },   
+  { GDK_Arabic_yeh            ,0x64A },           
+  { GDK_Arabic_fathatan       ,0x64B },      
+  { GDK_Arabic_dammatan       ,0x64C },      
+  { GDK_Arabic_kasratan       ,0x64D },      
+  { GDK_Arabic_fatha         ,0x64E },         
+  { GDK_Arabic_damma         ,0x64F },         
+  { GDK_Arabic_kasra         ,0x650 },         
+  { GDK_Arabic_shadda        ,0x651 },        
+  { GDK_Arabic_sukun         ,0x652 }         
+static unicode_char_t        
+find_unicode (gint keyval)    
+  gint first = 0;            
   gint last = G_N_ELEMENTS (keyval_to_unicode) - 1;

(I hope this is ok as I could not test it due to several problems
 ranging from too small fonts to the X-Server crashing .. )
Then one defines a more sensible keyboard mapping program than I did
using xmodmap ( sorry, I'll post it when I come up with something usable).

best Regards,

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