Re: [autotools] gtk-doc.m4 - cross compile support

On 10/10/2018 09:18 AM, John Cupitt via gtk-doc-list wrote:
On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 at 07:39, Fontana Nicola <ntd entidi it> wrote:
Il giorno mer, 10/10/2018 alle 09.20 +0300, Alon Bar-Lev ha scritto:
BTW: just a thought, if you compile on demand the scanobj, then you
can use the build CC/LD and it will compile, it can analyze the host
format, just like any toolchain tool.
Yes, and you'll also need a launcher (i.e. some kind of virtualization
environment maybe you already have in place) to execute that binary
from the build machine.
Yes, I've considered that too, but never tried to implement it.

For abstract things like the class hierarchy, you could also do a
separate native build and introspect that, but unfortunately .gir
files are not cross-platform. They include things like struct member
offsets, which really tie them to a specific binary.
gtkdoc does not need the gir files.
So far the approach has been to not cross compile doc builds. I know
that this causes problems if some of the API is conditionally
enabled/disabled from architectures, but this is really not simple to solve.


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