1.17 cross refs

It's been some time since I rebuilt my docs with gtk-doc and I wanted to comment
about this weird behavior I am seeing with 1.17 and cross refs.  To summarize;

My project, like many gtk-doc projects, has libraries in the tree which contain
references to each other.  An ordinary layout, much like this:


Now, liba contains no doc references into libb, but libb contains some references
to liba.  When I build the project, as follows:

./configure --enable-gtk-doc [...]

the cross references from libb into liba are _not_ created in the source tree.
I get warnings of the form: "warning; no link to:".  After I install the project:

make install

the installed docs also have no links from libb into liba, but here is where it 
gets interesting:

_AFTER_ the make install is performed, if I return to the source tree, cd into
the ..docs/reference/libb directory and 

make clean

the cross references are successfully made in the source tree!  Issuing a new
make install, the valid libb docs are delivered to the installation area. If I 
subsequently delete the installation tree, and cd back to the source tree
../docs/reference/libb and 

make clean

the cross references are broken again.

So, in my situation, it seems that the cross references are being repaired in 
the source tree only after gtk-doc has an installation tree to inspect.

Is there something I need to adjust in my project to alleviate this rather 
weird behavior?



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