Re: a few proposed changes to make setup easier

It was helpful to have some sort of example to get started (although I did
eventually need to look at gnome-libs to see a more modern example of it at

How would you feel about a more upto date example directory?  Maybe an
updated and a simple hello.c and hello.h....

I've got a that halfway works (It's based on gnome-libs and it
doesn't use scan-objs and I'm puzzling out why dependency/timestamping isn't
working yet) I could submit that and a quickie hello program with a couple
functions.  Then others could work on making the better if they
had time....


On Sat, 12 May, 2001 at 04:40:40PM -0400, Damon Chaplin set free these words:
> I think I'll remove gtk-doc/examples, since it is out of date.
> I'll also remove some things from doc, to tidy it up, e.g. notes.txt,
> gtk_button.txt, manpage,

badger  \ "A lasting friendship is one where you never expect anything,
@prtr-13 \  always working to make the friendship better.  A good friendship \ is one where the other person does the same."
                                                                GA->ME 1999

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