Re: Problem with 'make html' (fwd)

On Sat, 20 Mar 1999, Damon Chaplin wrote:

> Lee Mallabone wrote:
> > 
> > Not sure if this got through the first time... Sorry if it did.
> I didn't get it.

Um. I noticed that's because i was sending to

> Your SGML catalog file isn't set up properly.
> You need to add the DocBook stuff to it, so jade can look up 
> "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" and turn it into a filename.
> Do you know where your catalog file is?
> (On Debian 2 its in /etc/sgml.catalog. I think /usr/lib/sgml is another
> place to look.)

I'm running Redhat 5.1. In /usr/lib/sgml there is a "CATALOG" file which
seems to contain the DTD Docbook stuff, but nothing jade related until i
added it manually.
There is also plenty of files called things like ISOamsa, and there are
.cat, .dtd, and .mod files among a couple of other things.

> I could put a tarball of everything needed (a catalog file, the DocBook and
> Jade declarations and standard ISO entities) on the RDP site, if that
> would be useful.

I've tried editing/appending some files and it's still not working, so if
you could put up a tarball, that would be helpful.



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