Re: Optimizing GtkListBox for many rows

hi Timm

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 10:49 AM, Timm Bäder <mail baedert org> wrote:

if you've ever worked with a GtkListBox that has many rows, you probably
know about the performance problems.  These are mostly not even related
to drawing or scrolling.  The biggest problem is just allocating all of
those rows (bonus points if every row uses a composite template, so you
have to parse XML and create all those widgets/objects, set the
properties, etc.) and size allocation.

And I guess basically everyone knows how mobile UIs solve (or avoid)
thsi problem: they just estimate the list height, and only keep as many
rows around as they need to cover the current viewport.  This way
obviously needs a backing model implementation (which we have now with
GListModel) and a function that just takes an item and assigns the data
to the corresponsing widgets etc.

Earlier this year I've started to play around with such a
widget-recycling listbox implementation here: (don't judge my commit
messages).  It's currrently written in Vala (so I can write stuff
faster).  The repo includes a few demos which work more or less, you
just have to (un)comment the corresponding lines int the Makefile.  The
ideal case, i.e. "all rows are visible and all rows have the same
height" seems to work already.

I've talked to at least 4 people about this and I know a few others have
worked on an implementation, too, so I think it's better to just
collect all the knowledge we have instead of smoeone writing it on
their own.  The current implementation faces a few problems, mainly
regarding scrolling:


I hope I didn't forget anything and I'm curious what you alll think and
what solutions you have for all those problems, cheers.

I started prototyping something similar a while back, but with kind of
a different angle.

GListModel has a 'g_list_model_get_n_items()' function. I am
interested in the case where the data model doesn't actually know how
many items it has, but might be able to estimate. This is useful when
you have a database query across a big data set, with a whole lot of
joins and stuff too so that even doing COUNT() of the number of rows
might take longer than 10 seconds.

I came up with a PagedDataModel interface with 5 methods:
first_page(), next_page(), prev_page(), last_page(),
estimate_row_count() and get_page_for_position(). Each page would hold
a certain number of rows in memory. The get_page_for_position()
function allows jumping through the model with the scroll bar: you
pass it a float between 0 and 1, and it returns you the page of data
*around* that position.

Row numbers are relative to the page. There are no absolute row
numbers at all. Pages have a 'normal' size (100 rows, for example) but
the model can return a smaller page, to ensure that each row is only
ever in one page.

To take the example of an SQL database, you could implement a
PagedDataModel interface by using OFFSET and LIMIT, and by using COUNT
on a simplified version of the query to estimate the number of rows

It's a bit crazy and I never got far enough with it to prove that it
wasn't *too* crazy, or that it provided any speed/memory benefits in
real use cases.  It's also a fairly niche usecase, I don't think it's
necessarily something Gtk+ itself needs to support. But perhaps it's
good to have in mind.

Prototype code is here:
it's pretty bananas. I had a go at hacking GtkTreeView to display this
kind of model via a GtkTreeModel 'adaptor', too, but the code I linked
to doesn't work because it emits signals like row-changed and
row-added from *within* calls like gtk_tree_model_iter_next(), which
breaks everything.

I hope this is interesting, anyway

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