Re: State of gdk-pixbuf

On Fri, 2014-10-24 at 09:07 -0700, Jim Nelson wrote:
To chime in with my two cents here:

When we started Shotwell in 2009, we got tremendous mileage out of
GdkPixbuf.  We looked into GAGL/BABL at one point and got worried
about speed.  (Remember, Shotwell has a non-destructive photo editor,
meaning all transformations are applied at runtime, i.e. whenever the
photo is accessed.)  Shotwell's transformation pipeline still uses
GdkPixbuf; I wouldn't be opposed to moving it to pure Cairo, but why
fix what's not broken?
By "nuking the rest" I meant remove from the gdk-pixbuf releases. You
could still copy/paste the utility functions that do blending,
compositing, copying, etc. Or move them to a library that doesn't have
the same API guarantees that gdk-pixbuf needs to have. That's still some
ways off.

GdkPixbuf's photo loaders saved us a lot of work (although we got bit
by the large-image bugs discussed previously).  Also, LibRaw produces
bitmap data that's in the exact format as GdkPixbuf, and so we could
plug in those buffers without touching the bytes.
I would expect that using using babl storage internally would diminish
the memory usage. That's probably something that I'll look at next week.

We could certainly nuke the rest if we think that other libraries
would be better equipped for resizing, clipping, scaling, and

Compositing I wouldn't miss, but the other operations ... if you need
to load an image, do a quick operation on it, and get it into a widget
or on the screen, GdkPixbuf is the way to go.
Right. Those are mostly utility functions. You could, right now, use
pixman instead of gdk-pixbuf to resize for example. That would be much
faster than gdk-pixbuf. If somebody is interested in porting the pixops
to pixman, we'd all owe that person a debt of gratitude ;)

For lack of a better analogy, it would be like C++ dropping strlen,
strncpy, etc. in place of their string object.  Sometimes when you
have a pointer to ASCII char and need to quickly process it in a basic
or fundamental way, the old warhorses are the way to go.
I don't see the operations disappearing, just moving somewhere else,
longer term. I'll make sure to mail this list when/if we get to that
point though.


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