import Gtk issue


I am trying to import Gtk from gi.repository for this I have installed gobject-introspections v 1.10.0 and pygobject 2.28+ but it's throwing below error in Red hat 6 by compiling source of above package. However in Ub1204 I am able to make out there all the required packages are available locally like gir-1.2-gtk3 and etc. However in Red hat I am trying to install from the source I did not found Gtk-2.0.typelib/Gtk-3.0.typelib in <custom-path>/ lib/girepository-1.0 path.

But I am able to find in /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Gtk-3.0.typelib in Ubuntu machine

> python
>from gi.repository import Gtk
Cannot find Gtk typelib

Kindly let me know what am doing wrong thing do I need to install GTK+ for this?


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