Hi folks,
Just some news on the Win32 - bundle distribution - side.
Main URL :
The continuous build environment now generates 64-bit bundles.
The bundle for GTK+ 3.10.x has been generated.
After having pushed a fix for an annoying bug impacting 64-bit builds :
https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=1e3fe29fc3707e7844fce8e3761c3f1 2090d9158
I backported the fix in the buildenv, and so I felt it was time to provide download links for the 3.6.4 64-bit bundle on the official website :
Now, before we can provide links for 3.8.x and 3.10.x, there are some issues to fix in these versions. I'm investigating them, but any help would be greatly appreciated :
- 3.10 : resize grip hovers other widgets.
Resize grip seems to "cover" any other widget, which is new between 3.8 and 3.10 and doesn't render nicely.