Re: Add new element <template> and gtk_builder_expose_object() function to GtkBuilder

On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 17:05 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Juan Pablo Ugarte
> <juanpablougarte gmail com> wrote:
> > Hello guys
> >
> > Question for Tristan and Marco
> >
> > Is there any specific reason why we should keep external object in a
> > different name space (other table)
> > now that this is only for object and not any variable?
> They should ideally use the same hash (or namespace, as you put it).
> However it calls to question some nastier implications, such as... what
> happens when you expose an external object which has the same
> name as a declared object... should the external object be used instead ?
> (i.e. should it be able to override internally declared fragments ?)

Right that would be a problem, in this case, if we expose the object
before calling gtk_builder_add_from_string() for example then the
external object will be overridden by the internal one.

now if you expose the object after builder has already created an object
then you can get a collision.

gtk_builder_new ()
gtk_builder_add_from_string ()
gtk_builder_expose_object ()
gtk_builder_add_from_string ()

unless we make sure in gtk_builder_expose_object() that the table does
not contain the same id we are trying to add

> I think at least for now, we want to keep things as simple as possible
> so the answer is no, it should not be able to override anything, and
> a warning should be issued if there are any collisions in the internal
> hash.

Of course, btw for what I have seen in builder code if you call 
gtk_builder_add_from_string() more than once objects will get overridden
in the table and bad thing would happen since the id checking is done at
the parsing level.

so I think that by simply making gtk_builder_expose_object() return a
boolean value indication if the object was exposed or not would be ok.
At least it wont be worst than the current situation


Juan Pablo

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