Re: DTDs and other fun

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org> wrote:
> Ryan asked me to look at the DTDs for the menu markup and GtkBuilder
> interface definitions, since he merged everything over to GtkBuilder.
> Here's the old menumarkup.dtd:
> And here's what our docs say the current GtkBuilder DTD is, though
> we don't have a separate DTD file.
> Issues:
> 1) The GtkBuilder DTD doesn't specify attribute types in ATTLIST
> declarations, so it's invalid.
> 2) You can't just use ANY anywhere to mean ANY. You either use ANY,
> or you use an element pattern.
> 3) If you use ANY, DTDs still try to validate those contents, and
> that just doesn't work because we can't specify every last element
> name somebody might use.
> In short, it is impossible to properly validate these files using
> DTDs. I've attached a DTD that will validate only those files that
> don't use any extensions. That at least serves as a sort of loose
> description of the format.

The fact that nobody ever reported the missing attribute types
probably shows you how important it is in practical terms for us to
ship a technically valid DTD...  nobody is using this dtd for

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