FW: Tree structure for a win32 application deployment

Sorry, I am resending this as I missed the mail list when I sent this last night from my phone :)

>> Setting PATH would work, or (assuming your app isn't intended to be run
>> from the command line) you could use AppPaths:
>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee872121%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
>I don' twant to  with the system environment PATH variable because I learned that's not the right way to work with GTK.
>I tried AppPath
I think what was meant is to start a cmd prompt and use the command "set PATH=<some_path_seperated_by_;>" in it prior to running your program in it, which means the set path is only valid for this cmd prompt.

Another alternative is to use a simple .bat file containing the "set PATH=<some_path_seperated_by_;>" followed by the call to your program's .exe

Hope this helps.

With blessings

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