Re: GObjectClass.dispose and bringing objects back to life

On 12/04/2011 05:03 PM, David Nečas wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 01:40:58PM +0000, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
>> this is, of course, not true: GNOME is full of badly written GObject
>> code, mostly because it has been written at various stages of the
>> learning process of various people. plus, the documentation is not
>> entirely clear in a lot of places, thus the learning process can (and
>> effectively is) broken.
>> ...
>> objects should obviously not be in a fully functional state after
>> dispose - but they should be in a stable state, so that other objects
>> referencing them from outside of the boundaries of their code space
>> can still hold a valid reference to them, until such time that every
>> reference can be released.
> So, who thinks this idea is not actually inherently inconsistent please
> please specify in the documentation, based on your rationale, how are
> objects supposed to behave in the disposed state.  Namely with respect
> to (not) keeping impossible invariants, returning nontrivial
> no-longer-available values, methods that normally create or acquire
> something before returning it and other practical issues.  Or say that
> there can be certain things the object owners may not do with disposed
> objects.  Or anything.  This
>      The object is also expected to be able to answer client method
>      invocations (with possibly an error code but no memory violation)
>      until finalize is executed.
> has as, a practical guide, approximately the same value as ‘people
> should live together in peace’.
As it has been said before dispose and finalize get called when an
object is getting destroyed. Dispose might get called a few times to
break ref-cycles. Finalize is getting called a single time. I'd say most
objects can't be revived in a meaning ful way when finalize is hit. I'd
say this is also almost true for dispose. One would need to revive them
on the first dispose cycle and unreffing anything.

> Thank you in advance,
> Yeti
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