Re: Ige-mac-integration: New version with Cocoa interface available.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 2:54 PM, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> wrote:
> Where's gtkapplication.c? I can't find it in and I don't see an obvious branch.

I'll make a branch as soon as GApplication settles down a bit, but
presently the code lives here:

> Maybe I should ask you to look at GtkOSXApplication.

> In the case of an NSApplicationShouldTerminate, the NSApplication receives the notification in Apple-provided code and calls the following function in the application delegate:

I would think this would map to the GApplication Quit signal/vfunc, no?

> All the platforms I'm familiar (which is only X11, MSWin, and Quartz) do just hook the platform sources. The only point I can see to providing a g_application_main_loop() is to replace the GMainLoop with something else, and I don't think that GApplication is the right place to do that.

The only reason for this weirdness is because GApplication has to be
separate from GtkApplication.  For GtkApplication the _run is defined
to be gtk_main() so that we preserve compatibility with that
function's init and quit func hooks.

> gunixapplication.c rename? I don't see any deletes in How is it a rename?

It was named that before it was imported into the branch.

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