GIRepository questions


Inspired by Richard Dales blog about "Creating QMetaObjects from GObject Introspection data" i started working on a code-generator which automatically generates Qt/C++ bindings using GIRepository. The basic idea is that bindings are generated "on demand" and compiled together with the code which uses them.

Now i got some problems/questions regarding GIRepository:

1) gpointer* arguments:

shouldn't they be reported as void Ptr with direction OUT or INOUT?

(at the moment GIRepository just tells me they are "void Ptr's", which is wrong i guess)



2) How do i get the original C type of STRUCTS?

I need this information for casting them appropriately when calling the C-functions (cause i'm not using ffi)

Sometimes it works with g_object_info_get_type_name(), but not always - it seems...

3) How do i get the original C type of ENUMS?

Same as above.

4) How can i find out whether a function returns a char* or a char**?

for instance g_filename_completer_get_completions() returns a char** array of strings, but GIRepository tells me its an UTF8 pointer.

But perhaps that's just a matter of missing annotations. I could send you a complete list of such problems, because i have to "blacklist" those C-function calls to make my bindings compile...


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