Re: GSeal bugs in GtkAccelLabel hampering flexibility

Peter Clifton wrote:

> The way GTK seems to have worked (from my past experience), is I /
> others write patches, then they sit in Bugzilla and get ignored. I won't
> pollute this reply with the list of examples, but I can think of
> several. (Ok - only one patch was mine).

Peter, I understand your frustration, but I don't see how attacking GTK+
maintainers helps.  SO yeah, GTK+ has two part-time maintainers.  What do you
expect them to do?  Qt has a team of 100 behind it.  Does that make Qt more
responsive to bug reports?  Go try...

If you want a workaround for now, just access the member as
GSEAL(member_name).  I told them the GSEAL macro should use __line__, they
didn't listen :P.


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