Re: custom functions in introspection typelibs


On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 2:17 AM, Colin Walters <walters verbum org> wrote:
> > They probably do belong in glib proper, not gobject-introspection.
>That would create a circular dependency.

I didn't mean the flavors taking a GIFieldInfo etc., I meant a
lower-level API that contained all the portability #ifdef goo or
wrapped libffi's ugly API, then g-i would add convenience functions
that took a GIFieldInfo

> Oh, is this is just because Clutter doesn't currently depend on
> GdkPixbuf?  I'm not sure we want to be changing the dependencies in
> gir-repository if that's the case.

I'm not sure about that in fact (I've been assuming it does depend on
pixbuf - I thought it did, maybe it doesn't - of course we wouldn't
want to add a pixbuf dep if it didn't have one).

The point is that gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels() then passing to an API that
takes pixels + rowstride comes out as a big mess outside of C. It's
just an example of an API that is not really binding-friendly that
needs some variant API to be introduced before it's usable.

Another example might be an API that only has a varargs flavor and
needs a non-varargs one.


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