Re: Is this a bug of GMainLoop?

> and think of the vast amount of gtk+ based software
> out there, it's quite unlikely that you hit a massive bug like this.

I wouldn't be so sure actually. As far as I can see, Yu's sample
program might well use GIOChannels and watches of them in a new way
that hasn't been tested before... I am still debugging it and trying
to understand what is actually going on. There might very well be some
clear bug in giowin32.c that is triggered here. (But whether fixing
that bug so that Yu's program works won't then cause some other
program to fail is another thing...) (There are bug reports open
against giowin32.c that contain patches even that I haven't had the
courage to apply for the same reason...)

That is the problem with the GIOChannel and main loop stuff on
Windows; there are so many ways one can combine the calls that it is
very hard to verify that everything that is supposed to work actually
does. On Unix the GIOChannel and main loop implementations are much
more straightforward, and it is likely that it works whatever
innovative new way a programmer uses it...


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