GTK-Docc setup: Documentation not generated for some functions

     I am new the GTK-Doc tools.
     I am trying to add gtk-doc support to generate API documentation for the Upstart project(an open source Init replacement).
The code seems to already be heavily commented for the GTK-Doc tool but the GTK-Doc tooling in the makefile did not exist and I am just adding that stuff.
I was able to generate the documentation but I find the documentation for a whole bunch of functions.
For example a file init/cfg_file.[ch], I notice only 2 function definitions where the file has a lot more.
The difference between the functions for which documentation was generated an the rest was that
   1. These 2 functions had a definition in the header file and the rest don't
   2. These 2 functions are NOT defined as static while the rest of the funcions in the file are defined static.
What is causing gtk-doc to not generate documentation for the rest of the functions.
Can point out how I could  generate documentation for all the functions in the C file.

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