Re: Steps to get to GTK+ 3.0

ext Kristian Rietveld wrote:
10. Remove all structure fields from the public API.  There are two ways
this can be done:
  a) Move object structures to private headers.
  b) Move object structures to the local C file, the rest of GTK+ will then
     also have to use accessors.

If you go for (a), will the private headers be installed in the target system? I've often felt that subclassing a GTK+ widget to modify its functionality is usually harder than creating a new widget from scratch (copying from the GTK+ code), as accessing the parent private members is impossible, and many members that could be useful for a derived class are in the private struct.

I like the Python way of doing it (by mangling the members name you want to protect, so the client must really know what he's doing when accessing it); I would find it useful if private GTK+ were private but somehow accessible (at least from derived classes).


-- <-- Geek in un lingua international!

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