Re: dedicated machine for website project

Shawn Amundson wrote:
> Martyn,


Just copying this to the devel list and to Tim Janik since I am not
completely sure who else is or should be involved in these decisions and
I know Tim has some insight about future plans to upgrade

> A while back I started reworking and
> had setup a sample at  It is not
> as nice as what you have now, so it's probably not too
> interesting.

Nice, I didn't know about it at all.

> is installed on a machine called
>  I own the hardware and it is very well
> connected as it's on the University of Minnesota
> network.  It is actually on a special network there
> sanctioned for high traffic sites; the machine next
> to it serves as a mirror.


> My eventual plan was to move to cube.  If
> you want to move your work onto cube I could set you up
> with ssh access.  Then when you are ready to release,
> we could just switch DNS.

That certainly would be a nicer way to do things, to make sure it is
well tested, etc.

> cube's only purpose is to support GTK+, so we can
> install anything on it we desire.
> What do you think?

Well, as far as I know, we have issues with the current machine we are
hosting on, mostly space related. I think the hardware is quite old too.
Tim spoke about switching over to some other hardware at some point. I
can't remember who he said was going to do that. I asked a few people
and some said Yosh.

Currently I don't know where the server is hosted. But to get my vote
for moving over to the new hardware we would probably need to have
control over the machine (i.e. administrative privileges).

I must confess, I have quite limited knowledge when it comes to our
hosting services for GNOME and GTK+ (i.e. where machines are hosted
physically and who looks after them, etc - is this information available
somewhere?). Perhaps some sysadmins could comment here too.


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