Re: RFC: GLib testing framework

On Wed, 7 Nov 2007, Morten Welinder wrote:

nobody has to use this syntax. you can stick to the ever simple:
   g_assert (foo > bar);

however if you want the value of 'foo' and 'bar' be printed out, instead
of just the value of (foo > bar) which would be 0 or 1, then there are
no other means than using something simialr to:
   g_assert_cmpfloat (foo, >, bar);

No other way?  You just need to think outside the box^w^wcpp.  How
about a pre-cpp filter that looks at the source code, finds the g_assert,
and does a little creative rewriting?

how about that? bad.
we don't use a preprocessor like moc before cpp+cc. if we did,
GObject would look a million times different.
people are coding such a thing after the fact these days though,
look at vala to see how it looks like.

also, for some out of the box thinking, see:



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