Is Cairo a _dependency_ to build Gtk+2 on the Mac?

While reading this document:

I saw that it lists Cairo as a dependency for building Gtk+ on UNIX systems. But later
on in the same document it describes building and testing Gtk+. Here Cairo is not mentioned.
It says;
	"Then build and install the GTK+ libraries in the order: GLib, Pango, ATK, then GTK+. 
	For each library, follow the steps of configure, make, make install mentioned above. 
	If you're lucky, this will all go smoothly, and you'll be ready to start compiling your own 
	GTK+ applications. You can test your GTK+ installation by running the gtk-demo program that 
	GTK+ installs."

I am confused - is Cairo a _requirement_ for Gtk+ on UNIXy systems or not?


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