Re: Editable GtkCellRendererText and focus

On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 12:50:48AM -0500, Yevgen Muntyan wrote:
> What's wrong with the filechooser, by the way? File
> managers seem to work that way: you say "Create
> Folder" and it creates folder. If you're unhappy, you
> delete it. If you changed your mind while editing
> name, hit Escape which means "Cancel", i.e. "No don't
> create it". How is *switching focus* an indicator of
> whether you want or do not want a folder on disk
> to be created?

In the original bug report it was argued that the file chooser should
not create the folder until enter has been pressed, and the opinions
really differ on this one.  This falls nicely under point 2 in my other
mail -- it depends on what kind of data we are editing whether we should
confirm or cancel when the editing stops.

Once we revert it will be well possible to make the file chooser only
create the folder after explicit confirmation (maybe it works around
this already, I am not sure), but I will leave that decision to somebody
else ;)


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