gtk-x11 on top of win32, experiences.

Hi, and greetings to the developer force, beatifull work.

The following is about compiling GTK targeting win32 binaries, but
insiting in the use of a X11 backend.

> To fully explain my problem I guess a bit of background is necessary:
> There is a product which compiles for a variety of platforms including but
> not limited to linux, solaris, freebsd, windows. I have been working on
> some user interface issues using gtk+. In general the aim of the exercise
> is to generate an application that is an X client. Under the *NIX systems
> this was no problem since the default binding of gtk+ is X11. The problem
> arose when trying to port the software on Windows, where the default
> binding is win32. Does anyone has experience with compiling gtk with x
> support (I suppose Xlib will be necessary) on Windows? Solutions with both
> MinGW and Cygwin are possible although the former is preferred.

I've spent several weeks in this task and I have achieved results, I
obtained a working version of gtk-demo that seems ok with a xming
win32 X server. Its a very time consuming task at least to figure out
how from scratch. I compiled the X11 libraries under MSYS, and cross
compiled gtk+, pango and cairo in an ubuntu box. I needed to apply
some hacks to the X11 source and also to gtk's. I have an sketchy
draft in Spanish of the changes and procedure, but lack the time to
try to push this changes in the due way (I am a auto*, CVS, bugzilla
et al illiterate)

If there's interest in the little changes done to get gtk-demo
running I will discuss them here.

I just discuss one of the changes. In gdk/x11/

In _gdk_events_init() one sees:

>   int connection_number = ConnectionNumber (display_x11->xdisplay);
>   GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_message ("connection number: %d", connection_number));
>   source = display_x11->event_source = gdk_display_source_new (display);
>   display_source = (GdkDisplaySource*) source; g_source_set_priority
>   (source, GDK_PRIORITY_EVENTS);
>   display_source->event_poll_fd.fd = connection_number;
>   display_source-> = G_IO_IN;

basically here connection_number is the file descriptor of the socket
of communication between X11 client and server.

Now analyzing the gtk event loop you know, we enter in GLib realm and
have the call tree:


and in g_poll is where the external events of the app are waited, in
a WaitForMultipleObjects call that accepts win32 HANDLEs instead of
file descriptors of the runtime C library msvcrt.  So my solution was
to change:

>  display_source->event_poll_fd.fd = connection_number;


>  display_event = CreateEventA(NULL, 0, 0, "DisplayEvent");
>  WSAEventSelect(connection_number, display_event, FD_READ);
>  display_source->event_poll_fd.fd = display_event;

Anyhow not all is like in heaven and I would thank a lot some help
with the following problem. The symptoms are seen in a sample
gtksocket & plug app:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	GtkWidget *window, *socket;
	gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

	window = gtk_window_new ( GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL );
	socket = gtk_socket_new ();
	gtk_widget_show (socket);
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), socket);
	gtk_widget_realize (socket);
	g_print ("The ID of the sockets window is %d\n",
	         gtk_socket_get_id ((GtkSocket *)socket));
	gtk_widget_show_all ( window );

	return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	GtkWidget *plug;
	GtkWidget *entry;

	gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
	plug = gtk_plug_new(atoi(argv[1]));
	entry = gtk_entry_new();
	gtk_container_add ( GTK_CONTAINER ( plug ), entry );
	gtk_widget_show ( plug );
	gtk_widget_show ( entry );

The app works well in linux and in windows with libgtk-win32.dll
But when compiled against libgtk-x11.dll, while gtk-demo has a nice
text input boxes, this app has time delays and unresponsivenes. I've
put an 'x' to print after any event in g_poll, and I note that the
mouse events, and the key-up and down events of shift, ctrl, and alt
keys work ok both in plug and socket processes, but the other
keypresses don't break the wait, and are queued and only processed
until some timeout or mouse action. Thank you for your time.-

Jesús López

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