ipkg---packaging anybody..????? please need help.

Hi all,
i just want to know how to do .ipk for handheld devices.
i want to create a directory structure in my target like this...
 usr/local/ -+- bin/ --- app
                  +- lib/ -+- libssp.so.1.0
                            +- libssp.so.1 -> libapp.so.1.0
                            +- libssp.so -> libapp.so.1
so i just created a structure like following.....to do ipkg-build.
/root/ipkg/ -+- CONTROL/ --- <control file>
                  +- usr/local/ -+- bin/ --- app
                                       +- lib/ -+- libssp.so.1.0
                                       +- libssp.so.1 -> libapp.so.1.0
                                       +- libssp.so -> libapp.so.1
i donot know where to get this ipkg-build and how to proceed making this.
any experience, pointing links are appreciated...
thanks in advance,



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