A GIterator type, but not as a simple type -> as a GTypeInterface (GIterIface)

Hey Owen,

More then a year ago you wrote an E-mail about why you wouldn't want to
start using a type like GIterator in gtk+.

I do share some of your opinions on this, mainly the fact that it
shouldn't be introduced in gtk+. 

But I wouldn't share your opinion if you would say that therefore a type
like GIterator shouldn't be available for developers that use GObject.

I wrote a reply to your E-mail.

> Wanted to definitely WONTFIX 
>  http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83729
> about GIterator, which has been in limbo for a long time, so I found a
> writeup I started a year or two ago and finished it off.
> The basic question to me is "what is GIterator trying to achieve?".
> Possibilities:
>  1) Consistency. We have many ways of returning lists of
>     items or iterating over sets of items. Conceivably,
>     by consitently always using GIterator in these 
>     circumstances, we could have a single way of doing
>     everything.
>     To me, this is a lost battle. GTK+ is relatively mature 
>     codebase - is GTK+ going to have twice as many entry points 
>     10 years from now? I doubt it. So, if we only used
>     GIterator for new additions, we'd still be > 50% 
>     inconstistent.

I don't think a type like GIterIface should become heavily used by the
gtk+ library. That doesn't mean it's not necessary. to have such a type.
People use GObject, and it's possible, to create object oriented cross
programming platform reusable libraries. They typically generate
language bindings for it. There's multiple problems with the current
ways of returning lists (like returning a GList). One of the problems is
(as you noted here) knowing the type.

An iterator as an interface can improve this situation. Specialized
type-correct methods could be made public in a GObject that implements a
type-generic iterator interface. A language binding can be instructed to
use only the type-correct signatures.

In stead of the original proposals that made it possible to inject
function pointers to handle with list-types, an interface simply does it
how programming environments like Java and .NET do it: let the developer
of the list-type implement an iterator implementation for it.

>     And you can't get consistency by adding extra function 
>     variants ... the old ones will still be there in the
>     docs, still be there in old code.
>     In my opinion, adding GIterator is not going to make
>     it easier for people to learn how to program GTK+ in C.

Right. And it perhaps shouldn't be used in Gtk+. Perhaps except as a
replacement for GtkTreeIter. While developing custom GtkTreeModel
implementations, I more then once wanted to have more power over that
GtkTreeIter thingy. Right now I need to implement the "next" method in
my GtkTreeModel implementation. This is typically something you would
implement in your iterator implementation, not in the list-model.

This way it becomes impossible to reuse your iterator implementation.
You need to re-implement it in the list-model implementation. Which
basically leads to code duplication when developing custom tree models.
Code duplication leads to bugs and hard-to-understand code. 

What if in four years ten new developers join my team. Will I have to
explain all the many quirks I had to implement because gtk+ didn't allow
me to use my own iterators? This will cost my company a lot money.

It would be more easy if I could simply implement the iterator, create
unit tests for it, and tell the developers something like: look, THIS is
what you use to iterate over THAT list-type.

Now I have to tell them: you use THIS for iterating over THAT list-type,
except when you are developing a custom tree model. In THAT case you
need to do gtk+ hocus pocus. Because, well .. some gtk+ developers think
iterators aren't worth it.

Hrmmmmm :-)

>  2) Better memory management. One problem with the current
>     methods of returning lists or arrays is that the
>     caller has to figure out how to free the result.
>     GIterator standardizes that.

Haven't thought about that one. Okay.
>  3) Language binding support. Array and list returns are
>     currently a problem for language bindings because
>     of the memory management concerns in 2). foreach()
>     functions don't have this problem, but they typically
>     require some hand language binding glue and may not
>     be very natural for some programming languages. (For 
>     instance, C++) 

>     A second problem for language bindings is that there
>     is missing type information if we just have a 
>     function signature returning a GSList.

Above I explained how doing the iterator type as an interface can solve

>     GIterator and GValueIterator do help the memory 
>     management problem .. see above.
>     GIterator doesn't solve the type information problem.

>  4) Convenience. Maybe it is just easier to use GIterator
>     than the current APIs. I don't see this as the case ...
>     it's more function calls. It's not type safe. (Some
>     of the current calls aren't, some are.) You can't
>     make multiple passes through the data in an easy
>     fashion.

Type safety can be implemented if you do the iterator type as an
> None of these is all that compelling to me.
> One other thing to note is that with iterators you have
> to choose between
>  - Lack of robustness like a foreach() function; if iterators
>    contain pointers to internal data, they won't be 
>    robust against structural changes.

Oh? Can you give an example?

>  - Lack of efficiency like returning an array. You can 
>    make the iterator robust by just making it a wrapper
>    around an array.

Efficiency is important for the core gtk+ libraries (internal gtk+
code). I don't think 90% of the desktop application developers are
interested in such levels of efficiency. Anyway, you can let the
implementer of a GIterIface for a specific type implement efficient
foreach, next, previous and has_next methods and properties. The
efficiency is now in the hands of the GIterIface implementer, it's no
longer in the hands of the desktop application developer. This is in
many cases going to lead to more efficient application code.

> The fact that we can't achieve consistency is the killer objection 
> to me. Memory management does get better, language binding
> support and convenience is a bit of a wash. But without
> being able to use GIterator consitently everywhere, in the
> end all we will be making it harder to learn how to use 
> GLib and GTK+, not easier.

That way, you block 95% of all innovation, Owen ;-).

I'd say implement a library on top of GObject that makes it possible to
start using a type like GIterIface. But not yet use it in gtk+. Perhaps
refactoring the GtkTreeView so that letting it use a real iterator in
stead of GtkTreeIter. I would in stead of putting a new
GtkTreeModelIface in gtk+, put it in that library on top of GObject. For
example with a name like GListModelIface and GTreeModelIface.

Philip Van Hoof, software developer at x-tend 
home: me at pvanhoof dot be 
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org 
work: vanhoof at x-tend dot be 
http://www.pvanhoof.be - http://www.x-tend.be

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