Re: [gedit-list] First pass hack of gedit and gtksourceview port to gtkprintoperation

John (J5) Palmieri wrote:
Here are my patches for the gtkprintoperation port of gedit and
gtksourceview.  They are pretty hacked up as I went in and slashed out
the gnome-print code and forced gtkprint in it's place.  I would use
these as guides to those who know the gedit code much better than I.
They really shouldn't be used as production code.

The patches as they stand simply pop up the dialog and then print once
you select a printer.  Pagination doesn't work correctly for some

Hi John,
   thanks for working on this!

I have not looked at the patches very carefully yet (btw, I get crashes when trying to print), but at a first look there are some generic issues which I think are worth raising as soon as possible since they may be related to the new API.

As far as I can see with your patches the pagination happens synchronously, in the begin_print callback. This is a showstopper since it means that it will block the UI for several seconds when paginating a long document. I may be wrong but this assumption seems hardwired in API since you need to set the number of pages before running the operation and to know the number of pages you need to paginate.

In this regard, I am probably missing something but I see a kind of chicken end egg problem in the api: as said above it looks like pagination needs to happen before the dialog is run, but to paginate correctly we need to retrieve the settings from the dialog itself.

More review/questions/silly comments later :)


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