Re: Reducing space between treeview rows

> Some time ago I posted to various gtk related lists about reducing
> padding between treeview rows.

The official word is that it cannot be done:

|| You probably want to set horizontal-padding and vertical-padding (both
|| GtkTreeView style properties) to zero (they are not zero by default). We can't
|| shave more space than that off.

Now, if that is not good enough for you, what you need to realize is
that GtkCellRendererText reserves space not only for what is in the
cell, but also what you might one day put in there.  Think "accented
Chinese characters with a few underlines".

What you can do is to go into gtkcellrenderertext.c's get_size and

  pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout, NULL, &rect);


  pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (layout, &rect, NULL);

This might not be the right thing to do for all treeviews, but it sure
improves the filechooser for me.  The icons are then almost touching.


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