Re: Gtk Printing and gtk_dialog_run

On 4/21/06, Alexander Larsson <alexl redhat com> wrote:
> This looks good to me. The one thing i'm slightly worried about is apps
> keeping the GtkPrintOperation objetc around to long. After all the
> rendering is done its totally safe to drop the object, but you can keep
> it around longer to get status updates of the print job if you want.
> This might not be obvious, and apps may keep the object around even
> though they don't display any print job status, which will lead to
> unnecessary polling and app memory use.
> Maybe we could make this more obvious by having another signal
> "finished_rendering" or something? This could also restore the lost
> error.

Hmm, but that would be identical to status-changed going to one of the
finished states, right ? Also, it probably won't help for the error, since the
current code only returns errors if it aborts before even reaching begin-print.
Sending a finished-rendering signal seems slightly odd if you haven't even
begun rendering...


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