Re: canvas notes [zoom dependent container]

On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 09:30 +0200, Øyvind Kolås wrote:
> When playing around with some zoomable canvas prototypes using cairo
> earlier, I created a canvas container element that acted as a switch.
> At one zoom level it was showing one set of children, and when zoomed
> beyond a defined threshold it alternate children were shown.
> This way of doing things allows a progressive revealing of the interface:
>   Tiny icon ->
>   Icon ->
>   Icon with text ->
>   Tiny icon with label as title with basic controls ->
>   Tiny icon with label as title with basic controls and advanced controls ->
>   All of the above with additional debug information ;-]
> One further extension to make this more usable (apart from excessive
> use) would be to allow defining transitions between the two sets of
> children.

At some level this is perfectly fine, however when you start to change
the geometry (i.e. the size, position and number of canvas items) things
get really hairy. In a design where you can have multiple views of one
canvas you suddenly get different canvas layouts depending on what view
you look at. 

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a one-legged native American librarian with a passion for fast cars. 
She's a warm-hearted foul-mouthed archaeologist from a family of eight older 
brothers. They fight crime! 

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