png files not loading in solaris 8


   I have tested my gtk application in different
solaris 8(sparc) machines, In some i get  a broken
image for all the png files.

   The gtk error message says, failed to load png

   i figured that, the libpixbufloader.png, and libpng
are the files responsible for loadng png icons. i have
all these libs installed in my /opt/libs directory.
and the LD_lIBRARY_PATH, is pointing to them. But
still the error exists.

   i wonder why gtk is still loooking into /usr/lib/
is there any way to make it point to the write libs. i
have also chaned the path in the /etc/gtk2.0/*.loaders

   Or is there a way to work around this issue. so i
can get the images working.


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