Re: [directfb-dev] Rebuilding directfb gdk/gtk

Gtk 2.6 and 2.8 or currrent CVS are very different internally.
Your pretty much looking at a significant port to either take the
current directfb cvs based on 2.8 back to work on 2.6 or the older one
2.02? up to 2.6.
I think you will find you bit off a significant about of work. If the
GTK teams comes through and tags there CVS for 2.7->2.8 development as
they plan next week fixing the remaing bugs agianst the 2.8
development branch is not a huge amount of work.

My suggestion would be to checkout the current CVS trees and patch I
did this the patch applies then we can work on the build problems.
There not huge a few days of work should get it working agian. The
only issue here is if I checkout tomorrow I either use your timestamp
as a baseline or I'm tracking the gtk cvs...

The core problem is we don't have a tag on the GTK cvs we can all work agianst.


On 6/8/05, Davide Viti <zinosat tiscali it> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I basically wanted to make some experience with rebuilding.
> my goal would be helping out attilio and the debian installer team
> to speed up the development of the graphical frontend.
> Most of the time I spent so far with directfb has been trying
> (unsuccessfully) different versions of different libs; seems
> like the way to go is using the latest snapshots from CVS.
> Tonight I restarted from scratch: let's see if I arrive anywhere.
> > pangocairo is in the latest pango CVS.  Its as the name suggest pango
> > using the cairo backend.  I'm working on the port I've had to back off
> > till after I finish a demo for java one which is only a few more weeks
> > then I'll be back on the port I promise :)
> I just recompiled glib, atk, pango and I'm currently configuring gtk+
> looks like cairo support has not been enabled: damn.
> On another machine (i cannot use now) it worked...
> once I get to the point where I can compile gtk+, I'll start pulling in
> directfb stuff (which I already tried to compiled in the past days)
> do you have any suggestions. I feel like I have many sparse pieces
> and I'm sure I'm not too far from getting there...
> thanx
> Davide
> BodyID:86884379.2.n.logpart (stored separately)

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