Re: Static class instances possible?

On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 10:11 +0200, Tommi Komulainen wrote:
> As I've understood it currently all glib class instances are
> dynamically built the first time an instance is needed. On a resource
> limited device this contributes to slow application startup and I was
> wondering if it would be possible during compilation to somehow
> pre-build some class instances and have them in static (const?)
> memory?

It isn't possible with how gobject works, because the class_init() is
called for each superclass from GObject down to your subclass, and this
creates the inheritance (virtual functions in the superclass are filled
in by the superclass's class_init()). There's no way to get this
information statically.

I doubt this shows up much in GTK's startup time, though...


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