Re: Some new GString functions - constructors

On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 23:48 +0000, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
> That said, I don't see why we need a new split function, on reflection.
> Maybe a:
>   GString** g_string_new_strv(gchar** a);
> would be useful; it would return a NULL-terminated array of new
> GString*s, each one wrapping a string from the original array. Thus, to
> form a GString** one could
>   gchar** sv = g_strsplit(original_string->str, delim);
>   GString** gsv = g_string_new_strv(sv);
>   g_strfreev(sv);
> So easily providing what I intended for g_string_split(), but being less
> added code, and more useful.

What I don't understand is why you want to end up with a list or array
of GString.

 gchar **names = g_strsplit(namelist, ",");
 gchar **p;
 for (p = names; *p; p++) {
    GString *praise = g_string_new(*p);
    g_string_append(praise, " is a great person);
    g_printf("%s", praise->str);


Or whatever. If I *really* want a GList of GString, then:

 gchar **names = g_strsplit(namelist, ",");
 gchar **p;
 GList *l = NULL;
 for (p = names; *p; p++)
    g_list_prepend(l, g_string_new(*p));

 return g_list_reverse(l);

Isn't a lot of code; if it was a common operation, then sure
I'd get annoyed writing it over and over again. But unless you are
using GString as your string type (which I think is wrong), it 
strikes me as quite rare.


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